Chapter 1841

In a luxurious private club in the Southern Region, Joel already arranged for everything the moment. Elegante started to be in danger.

After that, he, Seth, and Gordon gathered there, preparing to enjoy the fruits of their labor!

They were at the best club in the Southern Region, there was everything they needed there!

As long as Elegante was destroyed or shut down, they would be able to properly enjoy themselves there!

So, the three of them already got their celebrations ready!

“I wonder how things are going over there?! If there are no surprises, the company has probably already been sealed off!” Joel laughed happily.

the consumers‘ rights department were already prepared to seal off

already went by, so he felt like Elegante was probably already done

did not seem to

Leon broke my leg last time! We won’t just destroy Elegante this time, we’ll have to use our connections to make sure

have a fierce look on his face. He already hated

start. I’ll make sure to kill him off after


you might be a bit too happy right now. Things aren’t as simple as we

Gordon, what do you mean by that?”

Leon’s already there,

shocked as they hurriedly turned

the room, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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