Chapter 1851

“Yes! Something must have gone wrong with the test. There must have been a problem with the testing. equipment!”

Joel and the others‘ eyes brightened when they heard the reporter’s questioning. They had renewed hope in their eyes.

However, it did not last for that long. Before the three of them could even feel happy, the test results came out very quickly. It was the same as the first time!

Not only that, the reporter was too careless and slipped up. He ended up being exposed by Leon!

At that moment, the three of them finally realized that Leon already saw through the reporter’s tricks, He was merely playing along with them to obtain a complete victory in the end!

At that moment, the hope that the three of them fought for was completely gone!

“Despicable! Leon, you are my mortal enemy!” Joel was furious. He grabbed a glass on the table and smashed it on the ground. It shattered on impact.

such a perfect plan, we couldn’t do anything to him. I think we underestimated him

It’s a very rare chance today. I’ll make sure to

you have other plans?” Seth was surprised.

refuse to believe he’ll be capable enough to catch everything! Just wait and see. We still don’t know who’ll emerge victorious in the end! The winner is the one

with Gordon to create a chance to destroy

he made sure to make adequate preparations!

an easy time getting out

and Seth were both excited to hear

them thought that Joel’s plans were already exhausted, and they

had other plans!

sure was one of the most excellent men of the generation. He was full of schemes

started to pray silently that Joel would be able to get rid of Leon and Elegante. They did not want any

as Joel was speaking, Elegante’s news quickly

and the big spenders managed to see the live broadcast from various media platforms.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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