Chapter 1861

Just as everyone was feeling shocked, Lacey did not even think about it as she knelt in front of Leon.

“Mister Wolf, thank you. Thank you for curing the scars on my face,” Lacey constantly thanked Leon. She did not know what else to say other than that.

Due to her disfigured face, for the past few years, she would always attract looks wherever she went.

It was a huge impact on her mental state!

She used to have a cheerful and easygoing personality, but she slowly became self–loathing and depressed.

Furthermore, her husband started to slowly distance himself from her because he could not bear all the looks and discussions directed at them. In recent months, they were already nearing the point of getting a divorce!

Yet, at that moment, she seemed to have gained a new lease on life. Leon miraculously cured her scars!

to regain her looks and confidence, but she would also be able to

as long as her husband saw that her looks were back, he would get

was precisely because of that, that she was filled with gratitude for Leon at that moment. It was impossible

then please tell me who’s the one instructing you to harm our company. Help us prove our innocence!” Leon quickly

long–faced man to frame Elegante, he did not like

Lacey seemed so thankful and sincere,

the truth, then it would make up for all

mastermind behind everything was probably Joel. He wanted Lacey to reveal the


conflicted expression in her eyes and was not sure what to

in the Southern Region. They were very rich and powerful.

not afford to

that, nothing good would be waiting for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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