Chapter 1864

“Yes, we believe that Elegante is innocent!”

“However, Mister Wolf, a lot of us have had a lot of skin issues due to the problematic cosmetics.”

“Can you help us treat it?”

Every one of the customers started to express their trust and support of Elegnate, and all of them were frantically trying to get Leon to help treat them.

After what happened with the reporter and the long–faced man, anyone would be able to tell that Elegante was sabotaged by someone else. The problems with the cosmetics had nothing to do with Elegante!

They were naturally no longer angry with Elegante!

However, they all witnessed Leon’s amazing medical skills, and they hoped that Leon would be able to treat their symptoms to prevent any potential complications!

please calm down! When it comes to your skin problems, they should all go away within five days at most if you use our brightening cream!

to everyone both to solve their problems and

Wolf, thank you!”

so kind,

cream could help with their symptoms, and Leon was giving it to them for free.

quite happy and relieved at the

company’s executives and a few guards to bring over a few dozen boxes of the

Elegante managed to get out of a difficult spot.

already ordered the people in charge to prepare the celebrations after he saw the long -faced man force Leon to agree to treat

believe he fell for it so easily! It doesn’t matter if he’ll be able to cure Lacey’s face now. Elegante will

knew very well that the scars on Lacey’s face were very severe. She was practically

sent Lacey to the best hospital in the Southern Region, her hopes of being

if Lacey ended up being cured, it would take at least a month or two!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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