Chapter 1871

“Hughes Group? That shouldn’t be!” Leon was shocked when he flipped through the pages of the data report. It was clear that he never once imagined that the root of the problem would turn out to be the Hughes Group’s production line!

Besides, Darius was good friends with Yuri, and because the Thompsons were the ones who helped Elegante Group establish this connection with Hughes Group in the first place, there was no reason for Darius to sabotage them at all!

Not only that, but the Hughes, like the Hiltons, was one of the most powerful families in the Southern region, and their influences were on par with each other. There was no reason to explain how Joel could have talked Darius into this!

In conclusion, there was no logical explanation as to why Darius would help Joel sabotage Elegante Group at all!

Snow said rather hesitantly when she sensed Leon’s puzzlement. Gordon was her ex–boyfriend, and thus she was familiar with his personality. From what she remembered, he was always the one to hold grudges,

it’s impossible!” Leon was suddenly reminded of his unpleasant encounter with Gordon. Considering Gordon’s influence over Hughes Group, it would not be difficult for him to pull some strings and tamper with Elegante Group’s

and the capability of pulling

was just his

all, Elegante Group’s products would eventually trickle into the major retail outlets and department stores after going through Hughes Group’s distribution, so there was no telling whether Gordon was truly the culprit behind this,

Leon finally decided. Since he did not have any concrete evidence about

Darius about this and let him handle

the same data records, he was certain that Darius could find a clue or two about

son–in–law, and according to the connection, there was no doubt that things would turn complicated should Gordon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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