Chapter 1874

“I’m warning you, Gordon, this is the last straw! This won’t be the last you hear from me, should you dare to stir up any more trouble!” Darius scoffed, then turned and stormed out of the room in a huff.

“Rats!” Gordon’s expression was dark as he watched Darius‘ retreating figure. A glimmer of malice flashed through his eyes.

He could not understand why, despite being his brother–in–law, Darius was so untrusting of him and would rather believe in an outsider over him!

Not only that, but he even dared to utilize his authority and demote him as a punishment!

Gordon could not help growing even more resentful of Darius at the thought of this.

However, unbeknownst to him, Darius already discovered his involvement in this and was just trying to lure him into admitting his mistake. If he did so, he would gladly have given Gordon a second chance!

any remorse, he even continued to

what infuriated Darius the

could never understand Darius‘ generosity.


the problem rose in our Distribution Department,” he explained everything to Leon with an apologetic

he decided

still his brother–in–law, after all, and even if he was the culprit behind all this, he could never hand Gordon over to

on the down low

was the mastermind behind this, but unfortunately, he

to the bottom of this and discovered that one of the managers of the Distribution

could not possibly demand that Darius continue investigating when he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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