Chapter 1948

"What? You don't have any?"

Leon was shocked to hear that.

After that, his heart sank.He put all his hopes on the Scammells to have what he needed! Yet, he never would have expected that the Scammells would not have a Ganoderma that was about five hundred years old.

It caught him a bit off guard! Of course, it put him in a very dangerous spot! The five-hundred-year Ganoderma was the main ingredient needed to cure Darius, it was incredibly important, and could not be replaced with anything else! The Scammells did not have a five-hundred -year Ganoderma.

No matter how skilled he was, he would not be able to cure Darius!

"Leon, even though the Scammells don't have a five-hundred- year Ganoderma, we have one that's over three hundred years old.Will that do?"

Damian said after some thought.

nothing! Uncle, help me prepare that and the other materials.I'll go right

take a step back and try with the

prepare them right away," Damian answered

any problems with the materials?" Iris asked curiously when she

don't have a five-hundred-year Ganoderma and only have one that's over three hundred

in treating Mister Hughes?" Iris

I would be fifty or sixty percent confident! However, I'm not even thirty percent confident at the moment," Leon said

that bad? Then isn't Mister Hughes in a

to fate now!" Leon

he treated someone, he would at least be sixty or seventy percent confident. However, this time,

paled at that. She bit her lips and

was curious about Snow acting


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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