"Yes, I'm certain! When you helped treat my sister, you once wasted a thousand-year Ganoderma. My father was planning on getting one to give back to you, but we only managed to find one that was around eight hundred years old," Yuri explained.

When Leon treated Roanne's illness, Angus wanted to repay Leon with a large chest, but Leon refused to accept it.

Angus was not very happy with that, so he planned on getting a thousand-year Ganoderma to repay Leon for Leon's loss!

However, thousand-year Ganodermas were just too rare.

After Angus looked around, he only managed to get one that was around eight hundred years old!

Since it was not that old, Angus was in no hurry to give it to Leon.

"That's amazing! It looks like it's still not time for Mister Hughes yet. Even the heavens are helping him!" Leon was very happy to hear that.

The older a Ganoderma, the better its effects!

eight hundred-year Ganoderma, he had at least an eighty to

who was happy

in particular was so worried that she would

the Thompsons had what they needed, she laughed happily,

can! I'm preparing to go over to the Scammells right now. Please hurry

main material needed to cure the poison. It needed to work with some other valuable

than the Ganoderma, the Scammells

send the Ganoderma over,

right now, and have him

and gave Angus a call, explaining the

and Snow hurried into their car and left the place, driving

and was worried about Darius's situation. So, Yuri brought his men

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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