"Mirage Strike!"

The fifth elder did not expect such a powerful attack immediately. It exceeded his expectations and caught him off guard.

Right after that, he rapidly retreated and used the Martial Technique of the Hiltons, the Mirage Strike. He summoned up six illusory fists that met the incoming attack!


With an intense clash, the Thundering Fist met the Mirage Strike!

Even though the two of them were at the initial Almighty State and their power was at the same level, the old man from the Thompsons managed to attack first. He managed to force the fifth elder from the Hiltons back with that blow!

The fifth elder staggered back a few steps before he managed to steady himself!

Taking the chance, the sixth uncle charged forward, not hesitating at all to strike at the fifth elder's chest!

"Not good!"

The fifth elder's expression changed.

to a fight between experts, it was always a

the initiative due to his carelessness. It was

do was retreat. Yet, the

attack, he

can do whatever you want

that moment, the fourth elder reacted

quickly used Mirage Strike and charged at

that he planned on forcing the sixth to

reluctant, but

that he would probably be heavily injured by the fourth elder even if

good if both sides

forced to pull back on his attack. After that, he used Thundering Fist to meet the Mirage Strike from the


the two of them were

the fifth elder managed to escape trouble, he was suddenly

that, he struck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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