"Elder Hiltons, right? Well, what do you intend to do about this?" all of a sudden, Leon, who sat in his wheelchair in silence all this while, spoke.

"Who are you?" Devon turned to glance at Leon with a rather dubious look, uncertain who this man was.

"Grandpa, this is Leon Wolf!" Joel explained.

"It's you!" Devon was shocked by this. Considering this was the man who established two powerful companies—Elegante Group and Cynthion Group—at such a young age, he expected Leon to be a powerful and formidable man.

He never once imagined that the famed Leon Wolf would turn out to be a sickly, rather pale-looking man in a wheelchair!

a temporary weak phase,

fallen victim

Group right this instant as compensation to the Golans, we will consider letting you off the hook! If not, I'm afraid that today will be the last day you walk this earth!" Devon laid out his terms in a rather disdainful

all along!" Angus was stunned to learn this. He wondered why the Hiltons were so unrelenting to take down Leon, even after knowing his connection to the Thompsons. Now, he finally

the Hiltons would

rest of the Hughes were equally taken aback! They all thought

it made sense. Since Leon was capable of bringing Darius back from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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