"What an arrogant little twat! I can't believe you dare to talk to me like that even in the face of death! I guess you have gotten tired of living, haven't you?" Devon was even more outraged to hear this.

"Shut up, old hag! Come at me with everything you have—I'd like to see you try!" Leon replied coldly, his tone full of contempt.

"Very well then! You asked for it, you twat! I'll let you pay the price for looking down on the Hiltons like this!" Devon was irate. Then, he and Declan successfully evaded Alan's attacks and leaped into the air, landing lightly on their feet in front of Leon!

The rest of the Hiltons, like Devon, were equally outraged by Leon's cockiness. The three Initial Almighty Warriors sped right past Sixth-Uncle Thompson and the rest of the martial artists' defense, and darted straight toward Leon!

In a split second, Leon became the target of everyone's attention!

faces as their hearts sank, especially Alan—he wanted nothing more than

as powerful as he was, and they also had three Initial Almighty Warriors by their side. Even if Alan managed to chase after them, there was no way he could hold off so many

there was no way Leon could survive this

flashed through Leon's eyes. He still had two secret weapons with

Almighty State, there was no way that he could use it to combat Devon and

this was if

field of action that he did not want to employ it too soon for fear that

instead. That way, he could use the Potential Energy Force against them and

be taken care of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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