"It's fine! Fletcher, you and your team should stay here and rest! I will hunt the Poisonwielder with Scott and the others!" Leon smiled.

Not only was the Poisonwielder severely injured, but he was also poisoned by the Deadly Veratrum poison, so this was the perfect chance for them to eliminate the Poisonwielder.

On top of that, Leon succeeded in planting the Soul Searcher on the Poisonwielder and since he could track the Poisonwielder with ease, he only needed a few Dragon Guards' assistance to slay the Poisonwielder.

However, since the existence of the Soul Searcher was better off being kept as a secret, Leon did not see the point in explaining himself to Fletcher.

"What? But, that can't work!" Fletcher and the others were stunned.

being blunt, but the Poisonwielder is a cunning man and even if he is injured at the moment, he is still a formidable

Poisonwielder a poison expert, but he was also a

even if they succeeded in doing so, they would

Fletcher is right! The Poisonwielder cannot be taken lightly, so we need to act with


and the

that he possessed far more than

Dragon Guards came close to getting wiped out, none of them dared to take any risk without guarantee, or they would not be able to face the consequence should anything bad happen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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