"Great! That's settled, then! Stop bowing!" Overjoyed, Leon immediately asked Chandler, Henry, and Sherlyn to get up.

His main goal in visiting Chandler was to recruit him into Cynthion Group and resolve the security crisis the company was facing. Since his purpose had been fulfilled, there was no reason for Leon to stay there any longer.

"Chandler, why don't you pack up and leave with us?" Leon asked.

"Sure!" Chandler agreed before returning to his hut to gather his belongings.

In the meantime, Leon ordered Mason to shove the Scarlet Thief's body into the trunk of the car while he went to pick up the three daggers he had thrown earlier.

The poison on his daggers was Deadly Veratrum poison. novelebook.comIt was extremely rare, so Leon did not intend to waste them since they had missed the Scarlet Thief earlier.

Chandler went out of the hut and got into the car with



varying ages gathered while Alfred stood before them with a

Thief! They have sent us a few Dragon Guards, and they should

place as he had summoned a group of Dragon Guards in advance to prepare for the attack on the

region arrived, they would be able to spring into

Guards said in

Scarlet Thief ranked fourth on the criminal list and was known for his cunning. He would often escape as soon as he heard any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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