Chapter 2313

In the spacious courtyard of the mansion, Leon, Angus, and the others already formed their ranks, waiting respectfully.

The Southern Boss and his group halted their steps about five or six meters away from Leon, Angus, and the others and both sides stood facing each other in confrontation.

What an elaborate formation!’ Leon and Angus thought as they glanced up, their hearts sinking.

The skilled members of the Spears that the Southern Boss brought with him this time numbered at least forty to fifty, each one exuding a sharp and powerful aura; despite the old and wary appearance of the Four Apostles, their spirits shone brightly, and their presence calm and profound, emanating an extremely dangerous sense of oppression!

At first glance, it was clear that they were not ordinary martial artists.

so soon, did you? You’ve got quite the nerve to wait here after learning that I led this

The Southern

cause a significant commotion, which certainly

thought that once Leon learned of this, he would likely be scared and flee in haste or find a

slipping away, he even arranged several scouts

running or hiding, Leon stayed home to confront him,

Leon’s refusal to flee saved him some trouble and it was exactly what the Southern Boss

repeatedly sent people to ambush me in the past, and I haven’t had a chance to settle that matter with you! Now, you’re escalating things further, taking advantage of the Spears’ influence to commit wrongdoing! I warn you, don’t push

you have one chance to survive this. As long as you hand over Cynthion Group and all the formulae for the alchemical pills, I might consider sparing your life! Refuse and you

Leon recently, with the sole purpose of seizing control of Cynthion

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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