“The Potential Energy Forces were given to me by a great martial artist and he gave me a total of three.

Unfortunately, I've used them all up," Leon said regretfully.

He proceeded to briefly explain everything without exposing Master Haslewood's identity as he was related to the Dragon Corps.

“You used it all up?" The women were all slightly disappointed.

They all witnessed the power of the Potential Energy Force and knew that no one in the entire Sky County could harm Leon if he possessed more Potential Energy Forces.

They all wished that he could obtain more so that they did not have to worry about him anymore, but reality proved that it was merely their wishful thinking as Leon used the only three Potential Energy Forces he possessed.

you talk

that the company had great potential; if it

in mind, she desperately wished that Leon could have more

Iris, Snow, and

and wished that Leon could obtain more Potential Energy

not possible!"

took great energy for Master Haslewood to store the Potential Energy Forces and it would require him to rest for at least two to three months before fully

offered him the Potential Energy Forces as a gesture of gratitude after

and with consideration of how consuming the process could be, it would be unreasonable for Leon to ask for more

“Forget it, then.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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