The Ex Husbands Revenge Chapter 2817-The next morning in the five-star hotel, Leon got up and drove to the pharmaceutical firm Hugo acquired for him.

There, he met with Elliot, Harley, and Mike.

Elliot and Mike were professionals arranged by Hugo and were to help manage the branch.

Harley was the saleswoman Leon recruited as the vice president of the branch.

With the branch established, Harley came over today first thing in the morning to report to duty.

Alongside the three of them, Leon took a tour inside the firm to learn more about it, before making suitable arrangements.

On the other hand, the Morrisons and Cynthion Group were officially partners and Leon would have to start producing the alchemical pills for the sales drive.

the branch, so he left

and management, while Harley was charged with recruitment and human

had their respective duties and this would ensure that the branch would

the office

the Morrisons’ mansion, Leon arrived to find Renee in the living

are, Leon!” Renee smiled and welcomed

Mister Hugo? I don’t see him anything.” Leon was baffled that

as soon as

it clear that all matters related to the collaboration had to be

were not allowed to interfere and since Hugo was busy finding a cosmetic firm, he left Renee

see!” Realization

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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