“Fletcher, I just asked you and Howard to gather the Dragon Guards. How’s it going?” Leon suppressed his concern and asked.

“Oh, we’ve gathered about seven Platinum Dragon Guards in the Almighty State. Another dozen of Platinum Dragon Guards are on their way here. It’ll take them some time to get here.” Fletcher said.

Though the Dragon Corps was powerful, it was always understaffed.

Platinum Dragon Guards were mostly martial artists in the Almighty state.

Almighty State, they were quite formidable.

eliminate them, they would have to involve Dragon Guards

and many Dragon Guards were on other missions, so they could not

seven Platinum Dragon Guards in the Almighty

in the Almighty State, huh? That should be enough. Fletcher, you will lead them to the southern region along with Henry right now. Don’t wait for the others! I am heading to the southern region right now. We’ll regroup on the way there and attempt to catch up to the Southern Boss!’ Leon made the

Southern Boss would be no

had to exert all his

and had the help

Boss, but the Southern Boss

Almighty state

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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