“Elder Thompson, I can’t bring your power back for the moment. Once I gather the necessary herbs, I will treat the damage to your Energy Sea Point,” Leon added.

After fighting for so long, he was about to enter the recovery phase and could not treat Arthur immediately.

On top of that, treating damage to one’s Energy Sea Point was no easy task.

Apart from the Cleansing Pill, he also needed other herbs and that could not be rushed.

He would reach out to the Scammells to get all the herbs he needed before treating Arthur.

“Alright. Mister Wolf, thank you,” Arthur said gratefully.

“Well, since things have ended here, I should leave now. I will stay in the southern region for a few days. If you need anything, just come to the Heavenly Waters Estate,” Leon said.

southern region, planning to return to the western region as

situation was far

reached the Peak

result, Renee was severely injured and

a while to settle

farewell to the Thompsons and carried Renee into the car, before leaving

with her family after the chaos instead of returning to

contacted Yuri and the others to return with

Southern Boss was eliminated, two of the Thompsons captured Rodney and he

Southern Boss gone, the Thompsons were no

and his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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