"Leon, Cynthion Group is on the right track now, but there's still much to do for Elegante Group.

We need to handle everything soon to put the branch here on the right track as well, or it will affect your plans in the central region," Iris said thoughtfully.

Like Cynthion Group, the Morrisons helped acquire a firm for Elegante Group and did so after they did the sane for Cynthion Group.

In terms of operation and production, reconstruction was needed before the branch could be up and running.

In recent days, Leon and Iris were in the southern region and could not spare any time to handle the Elegante Group.

At the moment, the two individuals introduced by the Morrisons were managing the branch.

western region, they had to take over the branch as soon as possible to place it on the right track, or Leon's plan in the central region would be

go on my own and leave Elegante Group to you? Once you are done with everything, you can

far more complicated

the western region to help Iris with it, it


he decided to leave Iris in charge while he headed to the central region to survey the

was done with everything, she could always join him in the

that works too," Iris

and she did a great job running

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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