“What do you suppose I should do? You can tell me any requests you have in mind. I promise to agree to your request as long as they aren’t too outrageous.”

The young lady frowned when Mason reacted angrily to the compensation she offered. However, she knew she was in the wrong, so she maintained a polite and friendly attitude.


Mason did not know how to answer and looked at Leon for his opinion.

Leon sighed. “It’s fine. We settle it as usual. Just pay for the repair fee.”

Despite the trouble due to the car crash, Leon did not wish to be unforgiving nor deliberately make things difficult for the other party since she apologized immediately and sincerely. Thus, he could only accept the fact and let the young lady compensate accordingly.

“Thank you for being understanding,” the young lady replied gratefully and was somewhat shocked.

caused the car crash. However, Leon did not take the opportunity to make any absurd requests. She was shocked and had

stay here and wait for the car to be repaired, it’s

“So beautiful!”

two beautiful women standing beside Leon. Their beauty had shocked them as they hardly saw girls as pretty as Cynthia

She was probably one of the few beautiful women

beauty was nothing

who Leon was and why he would have two beautiful women with

you guys heading to central region? We could each leave one person behind to deal with the car repair and compensation while the rest of you could go to the central

was no longer able to drive. It would take a long time to wait for the tow truck to arrive and to deal with the

deal with it while the others could leave. Considering Leon’s car was in no condition to drive and she was the reason for it, she could bring Leon and his companions to the central region if they

gave it a thought. “Hmm.

not want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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