"Mister Wolf, please allow me to be frank.

"Currently, in the Central region, most real estate is sold through pre-sales, with very few properties available for immediate occupancy.

"Especially when it comes to brand-new single-family villas in beautiful settings, it's extremely difficult to find such properties ready for immediate move-in.

The chances are almost zero!" Shally stated bluntly after regaining her composure.

Although she was not sure if Leon truly had the means to afford an expensive single-family villa, she knew one thing for certain.

Businessmen pursue profit, and many real estate operations in the Central region follow a model of selling properties to gather funds before construction.

Very few developers actually have ready-to- move-in properties available! This was even more true for single-family villas, which required significant investment.

Leon wanting to purchase a single-family villa in a short period, one that was also in a beautiful setting and ready for immediate move-in was like chasing an impossible dream.

"This..." Leon was speechless.

in the Central region was not going to be

the Southern region, it was largely due to luck, like a blind cat

prosperous than the Southern region, and coupled with his numerous requirements, finding a single-

"Forget it.

a brand-new single-family villa, I'll have to settle for a second-hand one..." Leon

in purchasing a villa was twofold: first, to provide a place for himself, Cynthia, and

facilitate his alchemy

the villa was situated near the mountains, where the spiritual energy was abundant, could he set up an Energy Convergence or

basic requirement for purchasing a villa! Compared to the villa's location near the mountains,

but to settle for one since he could not find a suitable new house within a

to try his luck with a second-hand

"Tf you don't mind buying a second-hand villa, it

take you to a nearby real estate agency,

take Leon and his

to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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