"Well..." Hearing Leon's inquiry, Shally seemed to recall something unpleasant.

Her smile froze, and a trace of sorrow flashed in her eyes.

"Miss Summers, what's wrong? Is there something you're reluctant to share? If it's inconvenient for you to talk about it, just pretend I never asked." Noticing her discomfort, Leon quickly changed the subject.

"Actually, there's nothing inconvenient to talk about.

This villa was a gift from my grandfather when I graduated from university.

I moved out of my family home to live here and planned to start my own business...

"But later, my parents and elder brother met with misfortune.

They were harmed by evildoers...

The Summers had no direct heirs left, so my grandfather asked me to move back and take over the family business..." Shally sighed, her face filled with deep sadness and grief.

Ever since she moved back to her family, the villa had been left vacant.

particular use until

finally understanding why Shally had reacted so strangely

Summers, I'm very


me..." Leon apologized sincerely, feeling quite guilty for his

"It's okay.

it’s all in the past now, and the culprit was brought to justice some time

revenge of my parents and

can now rest in peace..."

smile carried tears but also a sense of relief

hear." Seeing that she did not mind,

who the hero

hero in the future, I will definitely express my deep gratitude for what they did for our family..."

You don't know who killed

"No, I don't.

a dispute over a treasure and were killed by one of the Eight Criminals,

the Central region, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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