"Who's out there?" Wulfric overheard the scuffling outside his door and immediately put down the books which he was burying his head in just a few seconds prior.

He glanced sharply in the direction of the door, just in time to see Central Boss tumbling into his house, looking alarmed.

"It is I, Master Brahma..." Central Boss said, hastily disguising his nervousness and instead bowing low to show his respect towards Wulfric.

"It's you, Central Boss! What brings you here all of a sudden?" Wulfric replied, his brows furrowed in slight annoyance.

Central Boss was one of his clones that he spent decades nurturing, and was usually in charge of overseeing his other subordinates while they helped him get his hands on the Martial Techniques and Power Methods he needed.

With Central Boss' help, he managed to evade the Dragon Corps' capture all these years, providing an alias that would rid the Chanters of any suspicion of criminal activity.

Central Boss, for fear that someone would discover his true

his help when it was necessary to avoid bringing the

caused such a scare! "Master Brahma, something terrible has happened! That Leon Wolf fellow—the one who killed the Scarlet Thief, the Demon Lor, d and many more—has arrived in the Central Region searching

in time..." Central Boss

to hear this that he immediately leaped to his feet

Leon before, he heard of Leon's name, though briefly, through both Hades and

the infamous Criminal List, but even injured

then, Wulfric was wary of this young man, yet aware of the fact that he had to kill Leon somehow and rid himself of such a pesky nuisance! The truth was, he was contemplating the idea of visiting the Southern Region to kill Leon once and for all, but he never once expected Leon to show up in the Central Region of his own accord, and even seek out Central Boss by himself! Not only that, but he severely

fellow—how dare he show up and wreak such havoc in his territory? "Master Brahma, Leon Wolf has destroyed my family and the empire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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