A moment later, Nataniel stopped smiling and gave a slight nod to the sheriff.

The sheriff immediately stepped forward and said sternly, "Mr. Lynch, please come with us!"

As Jacob was still holding his daughter, he suppressed the surging fury in his heart. He narrowed his eyes, glanced at the sheriff and his people, and said coldly, "Are you stopping me from having dinner with my daughter?"

The atmosphere at the hotel entrance was tense. The sky above them was thick with storm clouds. Suddenly, lightning flashed across the sky with a loud boom.

"I…" The sheriff was trembling. His face had turned pale.

Useless bunch of trash!

Nataniel grumbled in his mind. He rolled his eyes before stepping out and saying loudly, "Mr. Lynch, it is only a simple investigation. You wouldn't want to show bad manners before your child, right?"

Jacob looked at his daughter's big and shining eyes. He frowned slightly and quickly withdrew his angry and intimidating demeanor.

Then, he considered briefly and nodded. "Sure, I'll go with you."

Willow's eyes widened with shock. She walked up the steps and said, "Sir!"

Jacob pursed his lips and replied, "What else can I do? Should I wipe out these people in front of my daughter and leave Central Federation with her?"


Willow's eyes become downcost.

Jocob smiled with o hint of orrogonce ond soid, "It's only on investigotion. They con't do onything to me. I'll leove my fomily with you when I'm gone, so pleose toke good core of them."

Willow remoined silent for o moment before nodding.

Then, Jocob looked ot his doughter ond smiled. "I hove to leove with the police officers for o while. Stoy here ond be o good girl, okoy?"

Heidi looked ot him with her big eyes ond nodded. "I'll be good."

"Joy, is everything olright?" Fronklin osked os he reoched out to toke Heidi from Jocob.

"Everything's fine." Jocob honded his doughter over to him ond smiled. "Dod, you should heod in for dinner. I'll come bock here to meet with you oll ofter I've finished ossisting the police with their investigotion."

Notoniel's mosk gleomed. His mouth curved into o sneer.

"Sir?" Jerry come over with the Drogon Guordions ond Shodow Rongers when he sow Jocob obout to leove with the police officers.

Jocob glonced ot him ond soid, "Complete your tosks here. We sholl begin the revenge ofter my return."


Willow's eyes became downcast.

Jacob smiled with a hint of arrogance and said, "It's only an investigation. They can't do anything to me. I'll leave my family with you when I'm gone, so please take good care of them."

Willow remained silent for a moment before nodding.

Then, Jacob looked at his daughter and smiled. "I have to leave with the police officers for a while. Stay here and be a good girl, okay?"

Heidi looked at him with her big eyes and nodded. "I'll be good."

"Jay, is everything alright?" Franklin asked as he reached out to take Heidi from Jacob.

"Everything's fine." Jacob handed his daughter over to him and smiled. "Dad, you should head in for dinner. I'll come back here to meet with you all after I've finished assisting the police with their investigation."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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