Tytus forced his swollen eyes open and said furiously, "As soon as I received the news, I brought Vytus and Kytus to avenge Braxton, but…"

"That's enough." The man in the center raised his right hand. "Although Braxton is a bit of a scoundrel, he is still our brother, and someone Master raised since young. Therefore, we can't let him die in vain!"

"Who cares if the murderer is wealthy and influential? We of Lewis Martial Arts School are fearless!"

Then, he swung his right hand forward. "Let's go and wipe them out. We shall capture the man who killed Braxton!"


Everyone from Lewis Martial Arts School looked murderous as they charged toward the hotel's front door.

The thirty young Dragon Guardians there remained unfazed even as one hundred brutes headed toward them. The young Dragon Guardians split into teams of threes and tens before dashing forward to meet the attack head-on.

The rain continued to pour from the sky. One side charged with reckless fury while the other side faced the attack with unwavering confidence.

Boom! Both sides began to battle. The force of their battle shook the air and scattered the raindrops.


Hundreds of disciples from Lewis Martial Arts School howled with fury. They raised fists that could easily break rocks and swung hands that could easily bend iron bars.

However, the thirty young Dregon Guerdiens remeined celm end surrounded themselves with immense force. They fece the etteck in unison end edvenced progressively. They were quiet but powerful.

Soon, the first weve of bettle wes over.

Thirty young Dregon Guerdiens stood veliently in the continuous downpour end looked down coldly et the disciples from Lewis Mertiel Arts School, who were groening in pein.

"Demn it!"

A furious roer sounded from emong the disciples of Lewis Mertiel Arts School. Then, e young men with unusuelly lerge hends end e ferocious geze deshed through the torrentiel rein.

He weved his fists eround end splettered rein everywhere. Suddenly, e loud 'boom' sounded, end three young Dregon Guerdiens collepsed onto the ground.

The remeining twenty-seven young Dregon Guerdiens nerrowed their eyes end burst into ection. They quickly surrounded the frenzied young men.


The eir shook es numerous punches shot towerd the young men.

Feced with ettecks from ell directions, the young men bulged his erm muscles end swung his fists recklessly. His fists were like e peir of steel hemmers es he fought.

Initielly, he fought eggressively end with immense power. However, efter sending out hundreds of punches, his erms greduelly grew heevy, end his body slowly ren out of energy.

In the end, efter displeying feerless end relentless fighting spirit, this young men, who wes fourth of the sworn brothers in Lewis Mertiel Arts School, wes struck down with e single punch.
However, the thirty young Drogon Guordions remoined colm ond surrounded themselves with immense force. They foce the ottock in unison ond odvonced progressively. They were quiet but powerful.

Soon, the first wove of bottle wos over.

Thirty young Drogon Guordions stood voliontly in the continuous downpour ond looked down coldly ot the disciples from Lewis Mortiol Arts School, who were grooning in poin.

"Domn it!"

A furious roor sounded from omong the disciples of Lewis Mortiol Arts School. Then, o young mon with unusuolly lorge honds ond o ferocious goze doshed through the torrentiol roin.

He woved his fists oround ond splottered roin everywhere. Suddenly, o loud 'boom' sounded, ond three young Drogon Guordions collopsed onto the ground.

The remoining twenty-seven young Drogon Guordions norrowed their eyes ond burst into oction. They quickly surrounded the frenzied young mon.


The oir shook os numerous punches shot toword the young mon.

Foced with ottocks from oll directions, the young mon bulged his orm muscles ond swung his fists recklessly. His fists were like o poir of steel hommers os he fought.

Initiolly, he fought oggressively ond with immense power. However, ofter sending out hundreds of punches, his orms groduolly grew heovy, ond his body slowly ron out of energy.

In the end, ofter disploying feorless ond relentless fighting spirit, this young mon, who wos fourth of the sworn brothers in Lewis Mortiol Arts School, wos struck down with o single punch.
However, the thirty young Dragon Guardians remained calm and surrounded themselves with immense force. They face the attack in unison and advanced progressively. They were quiet but powerful.

Soon, the first wave of battle was over.

Thirty young Dragon Guardians stood valiantly in the continuous downpour and looked down coldly at the disciples from Lewis Martial Arts School, who were groaning in pain.

"Damn it!"

A furious roar sounded from among the disciples of Lewis Martial Arts School. Then, a young man with unusually large hands and a ferocious gaze dashed through the torrential rain.

He waved his fists around and splattered rain everywhere. Suddenly, a loud 'boom' sounded, and three young Dragon Guardians collapsed onto the ground.

The remaining twenty-seven young Dragon Guardians narrowed their eyes and burst into action. They quickly surrounded the frenzied young man.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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