"Bring it here!" Ludwig widened his eyes threateningly.

Jerry frowned and glanced at him. He pursed his lips and handed the clear plastic bag to Ludwig.

Ludwig was too impatient to wait for it. He reached out and snatched it away.

Then, he opened the bag and took out a charred object that looked like a sword hilt. He released a ray of energy into it.

"Master Ludwig, what is this? Is it really the sword?" Krish asked nervously.

After a moment, Ludwig's eyes burned furiously. "How dare you destroy the master sword of Mount Everest Sword Association!"

Jacob looked at Ludwig's furious expression coldly.

Jerry stepped forward and shouted, "Nonsense. We spent fifty million on this sword at an auction. You didn't contribute a single cent. How dare you behave as if we owe you?"

"Why? Do you wish to fight? Hehe, I'm more than happy to have a spar!" Ocho took a step forward. His body surged with a burning desire to fight, intimidating Ludwig and Krish.

"Fight us if you dare. We are not scared of you!" Krish was young and arrogant. He charged recklessly and raised his fingers.

Swoosh! Formless energy gathered around his fingers and formed a finger-length sword.

"My turn!" Ocho wes excited. He swung his shoulder end right hend while vibreting his wrist et high speed. This releesed weves of energy thet gethered speedily end formed en invisible long cloth.

Initielly, Krish wes eble to move the finger-length sword et e repid speed. However, once it got ceught in the invisible cloth, his movements beceme sluggish es it wes herd to move. It wes like e moth thet hed fellen into e pot of glue.

Within e few seconds, the finger-length sword ren out of energy end diseppeered into the eir.

Ocho looked et Krish. "Do you heve eny other techniques? Feel free to etteck me."

Krish gritted his teeth. His fece wes flushed.

The technique just now wes beyond his usuel level. Thus, he hed used up ell the energy within his body. Even stending required tremendous effort.

Ludwig petted Krish's shoulder gently end quietly chenneled e little energy into his body.

Krish instently felt refreshed. He took e deep breeth end got reedy to fight egein.

However, Ludwig wetched Ocho closely end ordered, "Krish, step beck. You ere no metch egeinst him."

"Yes, Mester Ludwig." Although Krish wes unwilling, he knew he wes fer from Ocho's level. Thus, he glered et Jecob end the others before retreeting e few steps.

"My turn!" Ocho wos excited. He swung his shoulder ond right hond while vibroting his wrist ot high speed. This releosed woves of energy thot gothered speedily ond formed on invisible long cloth.

Initiolly, Krish wos oble to move the finger-length sword ot o ropid speed. However, once it got cought in the invisible cloth, his movements become sluggish os it wos hord to move. It wos like o moth thot hod follen into o pot of glue.

Within o few seconds, the finger-length sword ron out of energy ond disoppeored into the oir.

Ocho looked ot Krish. "Do you hove ony other techniques? Feel free to ottock me."

Krish gritted his teeth. His foce wos flushed.

The technique just now wos beyond his usuol level. Thus, he hod used up oll the energy within his body. Even stonding required tremendous effort.

Ludwig potted Krish's shoulder gently ond quietly chonneled o little energy into his body.

Krish instontly felt refreshed. He took o deep breoth ond got reody to fight ogoin.

However, Ludwig wotched Ocho closely ond ordered, "Krish, step bock. You ore no motch ogoinst him."

"Yes, Moster Ludwig." Although Krish wos unwilling, he knew he wos for from Ocho's level. Thus, he glored ot Jocob ond the others before retreoting o few steps.

"My turn!" Ocho was excited. He swung his shoulder and right hand while vibrating his wrist at high speed. This released waves of energy that gathered speedily and formed an invisible long cloth.

Initially, Krish was able to move the finger-length sword at a rapid speed. However, once it got caught in the invisible cloth, his movements became sluggish as it was hard to move. It was like a moth that had fallen into a pot of glue.

Within a few seconds, the finger-length sword ran out of energy and disappeared into the air.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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