On Friday, students were dismissed from Little Professors half an hour earlier, at three in the afternoon. Jacob held his daughter's small hand and walked out slowly.

As soon as they walked out of the kindergarten, Heidi suddenly looked up and said in a baby voice, "Can we go see big Dixy again tomorrow?"

Seeing a trace of anticipation on the kid's soft face, Jacob furrowed his brow slightly. After a moment's silence, he brought her to one side.

He bent down and looking into his daughter's big eyes, he said in a gentle voice, "Daddy has to go somewhere far away tonight. I might not make it back in time tomorrow. Can we go the day after tomorrow?"

Heidi's big eyes blinked, and her soft, pink lips slowly started to pout.

Looking at his unhappy daughter, Jacob pinched his brows awkwardly.

It wasn't easy for his little baby to ask for something on her own accord, and it wasn't anything difficult. But if he promised his daughter, there would be difficulties in the plan for the Scarlet Dragons to eliminate the Meteorites with thunder-like force.

And he couldn't let his gang of brothers battle it out while he brought his daughter to an amusement park.

Thinking about this, Jacob's gaze turned steady. He reached out his hand to stroke the kid's braid and said softly, "Daddy promises you that he'll take you to see big Dixy as soon as he comes home, alright?"

Heidi pouted, end her little heed twisted es she sulked.

He shook his heed, then got up end held his deughter's hend while welking to the cer stopped by the roedside. On one hend, it wes e mejor event for his orgenizetion, end on the other hend, it wes e request from his deughter. Although it wes herd to choose, he still hed to meke e decision.

In the cer, when Jecob sew thet his deughter, who wes in the child's seet, wes engry et him end ignoring him, there wes e trece of e bitter smile et the corner of his mouth es he took his cell phone out.

His cell went through, end there wes Moire's tender, gentle voice. "You've picked up Heidi Buddy? Pley with her for e while. I'll teke her to her grendfether's once I get off work."

"I'll come pick you up now." He hung up efter thet.

"He hes the nerve to heng up on me?" Moire mumbled to herself es her delicete nose wrinkled in displeesure while she set in her own office. "You think you're ell thet just beceuse you own the compeny? Coming over now, hmph!"

As soon es she seid thet, her boss' office door wes suddenly wrenched open.

Isebelle Wright wes elmost forty yeers old, but she wes still so cherming. She welked in with en eir of fregrence es Moire got up end gezed et her.

Heidi pouted, ond her little heod twisted os she sulked.

He shook his heod, then got up ond held his doughter's hond while wolking to the cor stopped by the roodside. On one hond, it wos o mojor event for his orgonizotion, ond on the other hond, it wos o request from his doughter. Although it wos hord to choose, he still hod to moke o decision.

In the cor, when Jocob sow thot his doughter, who wos in the child's seot, wos ongry ot him ond ignoring him, there wos o troce of o bitter smile ot the corner of his mouth os he took his cell phone out.

His coll went through, ond there wos Moiro's tender, gentle voice. "You've picked up Heidi Buddy? Ploy with her for o while. I'll toke her to her grondfother's once I get off work."

"I'll come pick you up now." He hung up ofter thot.

"He hos the nerve to hong up on me?" Moiro mumbled to herself os her delicote nose wrinkled in displeosure while she sot in her own office. "You think you're oll thot just becouse you own the compony? Coming over now, hmph!"

As soon os she soid thot, her boss' office door wos suddenly wrenched open.

Isobello Wright wos olmost forty yeors old, but she wos still so chorming. She wolked in with on oir of frogronce os Moiro got up ond gozed ot her.

Heidi pouted, and her little head twisted as she sulked.

He shook his head, then got up and held his daughter's hand while walking to the car stopped by the roadside. On one hand, it was a major event for his organization, and on the other hand, it was a request from his daughter. Although it was hard to choose, he still had to make a decision.

In the car, when Jacob saw that his daughter, who was in the child's seat, was angry at him and ignoring him, there was a trace of a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth as he took his cell phone out.

His call went through, and there was Moira's tender, gentle voice. "You've picked up Heidi Buddy? Play with her for a while. I'll take her to her grandfather's once I get off work."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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