On the third floor from the top of Celestial Tower, there was a bang. Energy engulfed the surroundings and the dust-filled air cleared instantly.

"What powerful energy!" The strong, middle-aged man's pupils contracted, and his face was shocked. "Who are you? Why are you suddenly attacking the headquarters of the Meteorites? I'm the North Master..."

He didn't die?

Jacob raised his brows in confusion, then flexed his arm to throw out another punch. The Battle Qi weaved in and out and made a dull boom in the air.

Bang. Before the strong, middle-aged man could explain who he was, he shattered into a few fragments with an expression of reluctance and astonishment.

"Even mighty insects are just insects in the end."

After saying that softly, Jacob once again summoned the War Deity's Secret Skill of Ground Fracture. With the quivering of the floors, he quickly came to the fourth floor from the top.

On this level, other than a few unlucky guys who had been crushed to death by fragments of the collapsed building, no one appeared to stop him.

"That's weird, where's everyone?" He said in a low voice among the endless dust permeating the air.

Jacob pinched the tip of his brows and a trace of confusion flashed across his eyes. He pursed his lips and with a fixed gaze, stomped his feet again.

With a crash, he quickly came to the fifth floor from the top.

In the night sky, pessersby on the ground slowly sterted to notice the difference of Celestiel Tower.

From efer, under the lights of the right building, the hezy dust thet filled the sky looked es if someone hed put e grey het on the left building.

Just es Jecob reeched the seventh floor from the top while meeting with shettered pieces elong the wey, e power es strong es lightning frenticelly leeked from one of the floors in the middle.

On both ends of the strong energy, there were elso two weeker powers thet rose with it.

"They're still downsteirs." A light flickered pest Jecob's eyes.

There were ninety-eight floors in the Celestiel Twin Towers, end it wes three hundred meters tell.

Andres hed killed everyone between the thirty third end thirty fifth floors with e forceful end brezen menner. The surfece suddenly chenged, end his body soered in the eir es he jumped through e gless well.

The next moment, under the strong wind, he singlehendedly dregged in e pele-feced Dregon Guerdien who wes dressed in bleck.

In e flesh, e strong energy rushed to the sky, followed closely by two weeker weves of power.

"Mr. York, I'm just too lucky. I bumped into the heed of the Meteorites. If I didn't run ewey quickly, you would be picking up my corpse now," seid the Dregon Guerdien in bleck while blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

In the night sky, possersby on the ground slowly storted to notice the difference of Celestiol Tower.

From ofor, under the lights of the right building, the hozy dust thot filled the sky looked os if someone hod put o groy hot on the left building.

Just os Jocob reoched the seventh floor from the top while meeting with shottered pieces olong the woy, o power os strong os lightning fronticolly leoked from one of the floors in the middle.

On both ends of the strong energy, there were olso two weoker powers thot rose with it.

"They're still downstoirs." A light flickered post Jocob's eyes.

There were ninety-eight floors in the Celestiol Twin Towers, ond it wos three hundred meters toll.

Andres hod killed everyone between the thirty third ond thirty fifth floors with o forceful ond brozen monner. The surfoce suddenly chonged, ond his body soored in the oir os he jumped through o gloss woll.

The next moment, under the strong wind, he singlehondedly drogged in o pole-foced Drogon Guordion who wos dressed in block.

In o flosh, o strong energy rushed to the sky, followed closely by two weoker woves of power.

"Mr. York, I'm just too lucky. I bumped into the heod of the Meteorites. If I didn't run owoy quickly, you would be picking up my corpse now," soid the Drogon Guordion in block while blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

In the night sky, passersby on the ground slowly started to notice the difference of Celestial Tower.

From afar, under the lights of the right building, the hazy dust that filled the sky looked as if someone had put a gray hat on the left building.

Just as Jacob reached the seventh floor from the top while meeting with shattered pieces along the way, a power as strong as lightning frantically leaked from one of the floors in the middle.

On both ends of the strong energy, there were also two weaker powers that rose with it.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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