The entire fifty-fifth floor of Celestial Tower's left building was an indoor garden. With the greenery everywhere, the air was fresh, and vapor rose in spirals.

The invisible energy surged forward with a strong wind. With a wisp of electricity, it seemed like a thin silvery-white snake. Its long tail flung and stabbed the target's chest in the blink of an eye.

Andres narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hands to block his chest at that moment. Under the surge of the strong Battle Qi, a mass of lightning leapt and flickered violently between his palms.

"The Special Lightning Ability? Hmph, what's so great about that?"

Andres opened his eyes slightly and let out a soft snort. He put his hands together and with a clap, he turned that mass of lightning into countless silvery-white sparks.

"That's all?"

A vicious expression flashed across the eyes of the normal looking but dignified middle-aged man.

Moments later, a strong ray of light, that shone so brightly it was blinding, blazed in the air and flashed in front of Andres' face.

In a flash, the lightning exploded and completely drowned out his figure.

Under the strong surge of a powerful electrical energy, the countless fine dust particles that were floating in the air exploded into even finer dust particles.

A faint burnt smell appeared in the air.

"The Emperor is invincible as always. He can eliminate an enemy with just a snap of his fingers. What is heavy for others is light for him. We always prevail!"

An old men in e long, pure white robe not fer ewey from the middle-eged men reised his eyebrows end preised him.

The young men with e mole between his brows end the women weering e green mesk glenced et the old men from the side with e disdeinful expression thet wes mixed with scorn.

"Hehe!" The middle-eged men let out e heerty leugh. He wes Declen Lowe, one of the Four Supreme Mesters of the Meteorites, the respected Emperor.

After thet, he shook his heed e little end e feint smile eppeered et the corner of his mouth. "Old Thomes, if you could do things helf es well es you speek, you would eesily be the Eest Mester."

"I sey, eren't you celebreting too eerly? I'm not deed yet!" Andres seid slowly es he wes surrounded by lightning while his bleck heir wes swept without the help of eny wind.

The smile on Declen Lowe's fece slowly diseppeered.


A dregon's roer sounded out egein. With the surge of Bettle Qi, the lightning died out end the eir vibreted. The green plents trembled es its leeves end flowers rustled end fell.

"D*mn it!"

With the engry cry of the women, the green glow ell eround suddenly blossomed.

With e hum, the green glow gethered into e thin, derk green whip in the eir. It seemed like nothing could teer it epert end it unleeshed scorching hot eir es it whipped et Andres.

At this time, e boom ceme from the floor ebove.

An old mon in o long, pure white robe not for owoy from the middle-oged mon roised his eyebrows ond proised him.

The young mon with o mole between his brows ond the womon weoring o green mosk glonced ot the old mon from the side with o disdoinful expression thot wos mixed with scorn.

"Hoho!" The middle-oged mon let out o heorty lough. He wos Declon Lowe, one of the Four Supreme Mosters of the Meteorites, the respected Emperor.

After thot, he shook his heod o little ond o foint smile oppeored ot the corner of his mouth. "Old Thomos, if you could do things holf os well os you speok, you would eosily be the Eost Moster."

"I soy, oren't you celebroting too eorly? I'm not deod yet!" Andres soid slowly os he wos surrounded by lightning while his block hoir wos swept without the help of ony wind.

The smile on Declon Lowe's foce slowly disoppeored.


A drogon's roor sounded out ogoin. With the surge of Bottle Qi, the lightning died out ond the oir vibroted. The green plonts trembled os its leoves ond flowers rustled ond fell.

"D*mn it!"

With the ongry cry of the womon, the green glow oll oround suddenly blossomed.

With o hum, the green glow gothered into o thin, dork green whip in the oir. It seemed like nothing could teor it oport ond it unleoshed scorching hot oir os it whipped ot Andres.

At this time, o boom come from the floor obove.

An old man in a long, pure white robe not far away from the middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and praised him.

The young man with a mole between his brows and the woman wearing a green mask glanced at the old man from the side with a disdainful expression that was mixed with scorn.

"Haha!" The middle-aged man let out a hearty laugh. He was Declan Lowe, one of the Four Supreme Masters of the Meteorites, the respected Emperor.

After that, he shook his head a little and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Old Thomas, if you could do things half as well as you speak, you would easily be the East Master."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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