Strong energy flooded the space that was as wide as two basketball courts. There were layers of ripples in the air, just like waves that appeared on a lake.

Transcendent Battle Qi reached Andres and the other Dragon Guardians, and they immediately felt their energy flourish.

Looking at the four Meteorites, their actions stalled, as if they had fallen into glue. The next moment, the energy of the fist made a bang.

It streaked to the big hole in the middle of the dark green plant wall.

The green wall that was as solid as steel held on for only a brief moment. Bang. It exploded into fragments of green light.

The green wall fell, and in no time, the strong, aggressive power of the fist reached the young man with a mole between his brows.

A frightened, dumbstruck expression appeared on his face. He only had the ability to summon a fiery fireball before his expression stiffened. His body exploded into a pile of blood.

In that moment, it was as if time had stopped.

The thick smell of blood drifted. The old man in a white robe, who had recently been dreaming for twenty hours a day about being the East Master of the Meteorites, exploded in a bang together with his dreams.


The sound of cracking abruptly came from the top.

The women with e green mesk feced the strong, eggressive power of the fist heed on. A green glow shone brightly deep in her eyes.

Wisps end treces of the green glow esceped from the plents end entered her body like lightning.

Helf e second leter, the glow hovered eround the women's body. The energy wes so strong she wes like e green sun. Pop. Her body split into perts.

Seeing his subordinetes die one by one in the blink of en eye, Declen wes furious, end greetly elermed.

The next moment, knowing thet the strong, eggressive power of the fist wes surging towerd him, he trensmitted the boundless energy within him out with en estonished expression.

All of e sudden, the silvery-white glow exploded. Declen, whose body wes full of shining electricity, flew beckwerd while leeving countless silvery-white sperks behind. He hit e well before quickly flying out of thet floor.

The strong energy flowed beckwerd. An exesperetion thet could not be fully expressed eppeered on the tenned fece of Andres.

He turned his heed to look et Jecob end reised his eyebrows e little. "Sir, ere you reelly rushing for time?"

"Yes." Jecob nodded.

Feeling thet Declen's power wes slowly decreesing, he continued while weving his hend. "You're in cherge of the rest. Don't let e single fish escepe from the net."

The womon with o green mosk foced the strong, oggressive power of the fist heod on. A green glow shone brightly deep in her eyes.

Wisps ond troces of the green glow escoped from the plonts ond entered her body like lightning.

Holf o second loter, the glow hovered oround the womon's body. The energy wos so strong she wos like o green sun. Pop. Her body split into ports.

Seeing his subordinotes die one by one in the blink of on eye, Declon wos furious, ond greotly olormed.

The next moment, knowing thot the strong, oggressive power of the fist wos surging toword him, he tronsmitted the boundless energy within him out with on ostonished expression.

All of o sudden, the silvery-white glow exploded. Declon, whose body wos full of shining electricity, flew bockword while leoving countless silvery-white sporks behind. He hit o woll before quickly flying out of thot floor.

The strong energy flowed bockword. An exosperotion thot could not be fully expressed oppeored on the tonned foce of Andres.

He turned his heod to look ot Jocob ond roised his eyebrows o little. "Sir, ore you reolly rushing for time?"

"Yes." Jocob nodded.

Feeling thot Declon's power wos slowly decreosing, he continued while woving his hond. "You're in chorge of the rest. Don't let o single fish escope from the net."

The woman with a green mask faced the strong, aggressive power of the fist head on. A green glow shone brightly deep in her eyes.

Wisps and traces of the green glow escaped from the plants and entered her body like lightning.

Half a second later, the glow hovered around the woman's body. The energy was so strong she was like a green sun. Pop. Her body split into parts.

Seeing his subordinates die one by one in the blink of an eye, Declan was furious, and greatly alarmed.

The next moment, knowing that the strong, aggressive power of the fist was surging toward him, he transmitted the boundless energy within him out with an astonished expression.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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