The night passed in the blink of an eye. Those who needed to know found out about the news. Those who didn't continued on with their life and started a new day as usual.

For Franklin, who was standing in the yard of his house, that day would be a difficult and torturous day.

Despite his son assuring him that the Tower would open that day, he didn't have the peace of mind. He wanted to call his son to ask but couldn't bear to do so.

"I don't know if Jay is back from his matters?" Standing at the corner of his yard in front of some Chinese redbuds, Franklin's eyes wandered as he mumbled softly to himself.

Shortly after that, the window on the second floor was opened. A beautiful, bare face peeked out. "You have a call, dear. It's from Mr. Ramirez."


Franklin's eyes froze. Did something bad happen at the Tower again?

He had been in the business world for so many years. How could he not know that someone was deliberately messing with them by sealing the Tower shut?

One of the biggest possibilities was that someone was targeting him in order to hurt his son.

That was why even though he was almost stabbed and beaten up to death by others the day before, Franklin didn't say anything and even acted like he didn't care.

It was so that his son wouldn't feel so worried or guilty.

As a father who was nearing his fifties, he believed that not obstructing his son was the biggest help he could give to his son.

"I'm coming."

He composed himself before answering his wife. He rushed up the stairs.

Upstairs, he took the cell phone from his wife's hand and had a heavy feeling. He asked in a low voice, "Mr. Ramirez, what's up? Did something happen at the Tower..."

"Mr. Lynch, good news!" Richard's excited voice came from the other end.

"I just received a notice. It said that our Tower can resume business?"

"Really? When?" Franklin started to get excited as well.

"We can do it now if we wish to!"

Richard felt that it was unimaginable when he said it himself.

It was just one night. How did those old men change their minds so quickly?

Holding the cell phone, Franklin asked in an urgent voice, "Where are you now?"

Richard replied, "I'm at the entrance of the Tower."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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