Philip’s expression changed, frowning slightly.

Seeing Philip in his delivery uniform, looking shabby, Lily pointed at the door and said, “Get out now, we don’t allow delivery men here.”

“I’m not here for delivery,” explained Philip.

Lily tidied her bangs before crossing her arms and said icily, “This is not the first time I hear this. Everyone that comes in here says they’re not delivery men. Please!”

“I’m not. I’m here to see George Thomas.” Feeling exasperated, Philip headed inside after saying that.

“F*ck! Are you mad? Didn’t you hear what I was saying?” Lily was furious. It was her first time seeing such a shameless delivery man who would just force his way in after being denied entry.

Just then, a department manager seemed to have heard the commotion and came out with an ugly expression. “What’s going on?”

“Manager Stuart, this delivery man is trying to force his way into our office!” Lily pointed at Philip and then continued with much disdain, “I’ll get security to chase him out immediately!”

The manager frowned and sized Philip up before saying, “Our company doesn’t allow delivery men inside. Please leave…”

Stuart showed more courtesy, but his tone and attitude did not sound friendly. This man was a department manager of a company listed in the Fortune Global 500. To be this polite to rubbish delivery men was already very kind.

Seeing Philip still standing there in a daze, Lily was anxious to show her authority, so she pointed at him again and roared, “Did you hear that? Get out now!”

Philip was annoyed, ‘Did she swallow a stick of dynamite, or is she on her period? This is a company owned by my family, and you’re just a watchdog! Who are you to bark at your owner? Damn it!’

“I’ve already said that I’m not here for a delivery. I’m here to see George Thomas,” Philip answered coldly.

George Thomas? The manager was stunned as he stared, bewildered at Philip before snorting out a laugh. “You’re looking for our chairman?”

“George Thomas, is your chairman?” Philip was dumbstruck. Wasn’t that old man a mere secretary? Since when did he secretly become chairman? No wonder he was brave enough to want to talk about conditions. That means I can’t be soft when I see him later! I, Philip Clarke, will never inherit the family business! I’ll just take the money and go!

Stuart shook his and laughed sarcastically. “You didn’t even know that President Thomas is our chairman, and you say you’re looking for him? Do you have an appointment?”

“Mr. Stuart, stop joking. How could trash like him get an appointment?” Lily mocked as her lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

“Alright, alright. Lily, get security to come over.” Stuart waved impatiently.

“Understood, Mr. Stuart,” answered Lily in a coquettish voice before she jogged over to the front desk and picked up the phone to call the security department.

The manager was about to leave when, suddenly, an angry voice sounded at the front desk.

by your receptionist. If I

other two people followed the source of the voice and saw Philip just hanging up

on an act now! You deserve to be a delivery man for life!” Her hands then shifted from the phone to

a look. The latter understood immediately and gave him an ‘OK’ gesture. She called the security department and reported, “Hello, come over to the front desk to take care of a piece of

of Apex Group, George Thomas, with his secretary in tow, came jogging out of the elevator and saw their young master

their eyes pop was seeing three security personnel about to throw the young

heir of the family business! George

the order. They turned to see their chairman rushing over

up and saluted. “Good day, Mr.

toward Philip, his face blooming like a sunflower. The moment Lily noticed the chairman, she quickly hurried over. And when she saw Philip still standing there

glare at Philip with disdain. “Why are

in the lounge

at Lily and reproached, “What are you doing? This is the young master of

was this delivery man

“Mr. President, are you mistaken? How

George coldly as the contempt for this woman grew in his heart. “What kind of tone and

immediately realized her error and bowed in apology. “Mr.

happened to come back at that moment. He gave a flattering smile and

he noticed that Philip was still here but was not aware of the current atmosphere. His face went red, and he frowned.

felt a pair of cold eyes staring straight at him.

George exploded furiously and roared, “He is the young master of

a sin it is

this way please.” George bowed slightly and gestured him to go inside. This scene startled both the manager

the chairman, Stuart immediately rushed over to smile apologetically and begged, “Young Master, I was too blind to recognize you

in the Fortune Global 500, and the chairman himself was a prominent figure worth over billions! If a big

with a docile expression as she apologized, “Young Master, I was wrong. I won’t ever do it

George indifferently. The latter instantly pointed at the security team and ordered, “What are you standing there for? Throw these

and Lily both ended up being tossed out of the

office, Philip sat down at the leather sofa while George stood respectfully at one side with his hands

George, you’re living a pretty luxurious life. This ostrich skin sofa, what

this document, everything here is yours to take.” As

glanced at it in disdain. “It’s not like you don’t know that I refuse to inherit my dad’s wealth. I’m here today to ask you to loan me

smiled tactfully and

old man!” Philip

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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