The First Heir

Chapter 15

Aiden, who had been looking cheery, was now in a daze. What was going on? Mr. Clarke was upset, so the gallery was not to be opened to the public. Could there be any other reason more random than this? No, he must have done something wrong.

“What’s wrong Addy, did something happen?” Charles and Martha found Aiden’s expression a little odd.

“Oh, it’s nothing, nothing at all. They’re just reporting the gallery’s situation to me.” Aiden forced out a smile then added, “Uhm, Uncle Johnston, I have some urgent matters, so I will be leaving now.” He then stood up to leave.

“Oh, Addy, is it really urgent? Won’t you be staying for dinner?” Martha followed closely behind him and saw him out the door.

“Maybe next time. Goodbye, Uncle Johnston, Aunt Martha.” Aiden hurried away. Of course, he would be in a rush. If something happened to the gallery booking, he would lose all face in front of his future father-in-law. He had to rush over to the gallery to see what was going on.

After seeing Aiden off, Martha came back inside with a smile on her face. When she saw Wynn carrying Mila, she suddenly burst out scolding, “I won’t be raising this little bastard.”

“Mom, what are you saying? Isn’t Mila still your granddaughter?” Wynn was vexed. She had been coaxing Mila to sleep in her arms. How could her mother say something like that? This was her daughter’s flesh and blood, after all.

Charles, too, felt that Martha was going overboard. He removed his reading glasses and interrupted. “That’s enough from you. Clean this up quickly and bring me the painting from Aiden. I’m going out for a spin.”

Charles was heading out to show off, of course. He wanted to let his friends take a good look. He carefully hugged the gift box, hummed a joyful tune, and went out the door. He was feeling delightful, very delightful, indeed!


After he left the Johnston family house, Philip hailed a cab to Civil Gallery. Since he had already bought over the company and no longer needed to make deliveries, he now had time to go over to the gallery and take a look. He did not really plan to close it to the public. He just wanted to teach Aiden a lesson.

Upon reaching the gallery’s entrance, Philip only knew how stylish the gallery was. It was not flashy but luxurious and had a depth to it. The whole structure was designed by line patterns with monochrome as the main color. It looked extremely elegant and stylish. On both sides of the door was a small gallery paved with monochrome cobblestones, giving it a simplistic Western beauty.

Right in front of the door was a black granite sculpture. This was a piece made by the master architect who had designed and built Civil Gallery, Sirius Burton. This internationally famous architect only produced one piece of artwork every year, and thousands of people sought after his work, getting into disputes just to buy it.

Hence, to host an exhibition in

mumbling to himself, “To think this is something that that old thing

after him, begging Philip to allow him to build something for him. Philip found his daily visits annoying, so he gave the man three hundred million to let him build Philip a mansion on top of a hill, mainly to keep his

I miss those beloved cars of mine. Philip exclaimed internally then headed toward the

receptionist dressed in a monochrome business skirt set with a scarf embroidered with gardenia flowers tied around her

stunned before looking inside and said,

any differently just because he was in casual clothing. Instead, she had asked very

looking for…” Philip was just about to answer when a tall woman walked over haughtily from within and interrupted him. She was wearing the same outfit, but the

open to the public today and not to let anybody in?” The woman with the cold aura got closer and swept a look at Philip as she spoke arrogantly to

Jasmine was apparently afraid of this

was a proud person and would not

him up and asked suspiciously, “You’re looking for someone?” This man looked so broke wearing an over-washed T-shirt, a pair of faded jeans, and sandals. A typical get-up of migrant workers. He must be

Philip smiled, revealing his

Allison abruptly interrupted Philip’s words. She turned to shoot a vicious glare at Jasmine and said, “Guard the door properly and stop

then stole a glance at Philip and

Philip could not help looking at Allison’s back profile. This woman had a great figure that most men could

staring at?” All of a sudden, Allison

Philip felt awkward. He was caught

“I’ve seen enough of you migrant workers with your snooping hands and dirty eyes. If anything goes missing in our gallery, you’ll be the first I’ll catch!” She then turned to moved forward as the disdain and

fuming slightly. Did

ordering him pompously, “Hurry up and get to work. Finish it before sundown. And you guys over there, don’t even think about loafing

started working harder upon hearing this, terrified

They were painting this area. So, am I here

are you mistaken? I’m not here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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