The First Heir

Chapter 312

Gentleman Tea Shop.

Philip arrived early. He waited for about 20 minutes before a stylish woman walked in through the door.

When Chloe saw Philip, her heart started racing. However, she forced herself to remain calm. She sashayed into the shop and approached Philip slowly. She sat down quietly and removed her sunglasses. Then, she looked at him calmly.

“Have you waited long?” Chloe asked. Her voice was calm.

“Not too long,” Philip replied. He looked at Chloe and saw that she was still as refined as ever.

Even though Chloe looked calm on the surface, her heart was beating extremely fast. Her delicate hands under the table were grasping on her skirt tightly.

She had not sat in front of Philip like this for a very long time.

He was still so charming. An air of arrogance was coursing through his body.

Other people could not detect this air around him, but Chloe could.

They used to be the golden couple that everyone was jealous of. However, that was old news.

“Tell me, how will you sell Beacon to me?”

Philip said. He did not have much time.

“Divorce Wynn and I’ll sell it to you,” said Chloe. She did not beat around the bush either.

“Impossible,” replied Philip.

He knew by asking Chloe out, he would not be able to escape from this.

However, he would not agree to divorce Wynn.

talk about, then. Beacon is what I’m using to torment Wynn. If you don’t want her to suffer, just divorce her. Philip, I’ll tell you honestly. Anything Chloe Sommerset wants, she gets, and

She turned cold

intruded into the life

I want Beacon, no one can stop me. Even the Sommerset family in Capital City is merely my accessory. I’m going to ask you one last time, on what conditions will

get impatient. His

fell silent. She took a step back and said, “My birthday is next week. I want you to

beat as his eyes went wide. After being silent for a while, he nodded and said,

got up and left Gentleman Tea


started rolling

Chloe got

the house. After she arrived at the office, she noticed that the mood

stood at the entrance respectfully. They all

Wynn was shocked.


you guys

well last night as she was troubled by what

“Wynn, from this day

a huge piece

resigned and she was the chairwoman of the

Hall, please stop joking,

puzzled. What was going

the meeting room. At this moment, there were seven to eight people inside the room. They were the board members of

got up and applauded, “Congratulations,

nodding and greeting everyone while bowing. She had met these people before. They were all the investors of the company and

it to Wynn. He said, “We had a meeting last night and decided it would be best to hand the company to you. This is the document for the stock rights. Chairwoman Johnston, you have over 60% of the company’s stocks now, so you’re the

got Miss Sommerset’s order to transfer the company

eye, Wynn became the chairwoman

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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