The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 49

Sophie's pov Fury. Burning fury. That's all I felt when I punched in his floor number brutally. I wasn’t allowed up there, but right now I didn’tcare.

I had nothing to lose anymore.

Aiden only gave me more than enough reason to leave.

As soon as the elevator doors slid open, I stepped out of the lift seething as my heels slammed against the floor with the harshand stormy way I walked.

If Aiden was the storm then I was going to be the hurricane today I was going to give him a pieceof my mind.

Ceo or not, he does not get to be my bully anymore.

He’ll not bully me into staying.

I clutched the paper in my grasp tightly, my anger burning in my belly hotly.

The woman, Noel, I suppose is her name, lifts her head quickly when she hears my loud storming footfalls.

Her brows rise in surprise but she swiftly regains her composure and stands up.

"You're not allowed to be in here Noel started with a scowl, but I pinned her withone of my own.

"Shut up you damn parrot." I snapped and stormed past her with the paper clutched in my hand.

She looked stunned by my hostility and flinched when I passed her without glancing at her.

"You're not allowed here you wench!" She snarled behind me and I’m well aware of her quick footsteps behind me.

Wench? Are we in the 19th century? I ignored her and walked faster.

I swung the door open before she could stop me, my eyes falling on the guy who was alwaysrunning through my mind without warning.

The guy who was now causing me distress and anger.


He seemed to have been pacing his floor, because as soon as the door thrust open he whips around, angry with cold furious eyes.

But when he noticed it was me standing in his doorway, seething like a kettle, the angerslowly diminishes in his eyes.

"You!" I start with a seethe on my tongue as I glared at him.

disrespecting my boss and surely I

moment, I didn’t


Xavier, I’m so sorry.

her but

my glare to her, praying that

“It’s fine.

Aiden said without emotion, waving a hand casually before placing them in his

by my anger and it

to throttle him and probably kick him where

in my anger until Noel is out of the door and we

furious gaze to the ‘Ceo

I want to do Mr Xavier? I want to resignfrom my post, and I'm going to do it whether you like it or not I took another step forward when he leaned on his desk, crossing his


my will? What the hell was

you're doing is wrong, you can't keep me here against my

and he

heels on the floor, and sureit was childish to do so, but

I shook my

one of

My stomach knotted.

hated how much he still affected

“Throwing a tantrum Miss.

at me dead

gaze away quickly, not

wasn't going to lose his composure that

and speaking to


To frustrate me.

I shook my head.

still a

that couldn't take no for an answer and thought he could get away

having to listen to

my spine,

boldness, with both his brows lifted a bit and his eyes wavering

stiffen when I can take the scent of

My stomach twisted.

I shake my head.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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