The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 158

Sophie’s pov

“Mila and Ria wants Ash to spend the night. They’ve missed him.” I voiced as I flung the purse on the countertop and kicked off my shoes.

“Okay,” Aiden said behind me.

I texted Mila to tell her that Aiden agreed when Aiden suddenly comes behind me and hugs me.

“You’ve been quiet the entire ride home. Are you still upset?” He whispered on my neck and planted a kiss.

I shrugged out of his hold and placed my phone down. “You need ice for your hand.”

I opened the fridge and searched for some ice. I could only get frozen peas.

“My hand is fine Sophie. What I know is not okay, is you. Argue with me, hit me, hell give me a damn concussion, but don’t treat me so coldly. I can’t handle it.”

I sighed, placing the pack of peas on the countertop.

“What are we doing Aiden? What kind of dangerous game are we in?” I looked up at him for the first time since we left Sergio’s place.

He looks at me for a few before responding.

“I’m sorry,”

He shook his head. “For bringing you into this mess Sophie.”

Dividing into pages now

My vision blurred.

Aiden looks wrenched and quickly walks around the countertop to be by my side. He pulls me in his arms, hugging me tightly as I sobbed into his shirt.

“He hates me.” I cried in a broken voice.

“Everyone hates me. Just imagine what they’re saying about me.” I sobbed, clutching his shirt more firmly.

Ash was not here, Aiden

cry baby. You know I hate to see you upset.” Aiden comforted. “I don’t care who hates

don’t belong in this world Aiden.

step back, his fingers going under my chin

love. The air in

I don’t belong here either. I only belong with you. I only belong in your world while

heart jolts and


breathed but he stops me with a chaste kiss on

can give all this up easily for you, Sophie. I would give everything up

My heart beats furiously.

up anything

realize that Aiden was a tough boss because he took his


He loved the company.

It was obvious.

way I would want him to lose all of that

his tone, I knew that he would actually do this, for me. But I didn’t want that kind of guilt later down

want him to give up something that he clearly

whispered, lifting my hand to cup his jaw. There’s a slight stubble there that I somehow love to feel

dare give up anything Aiden.” I breathed, staring at him underneath my

penetrating and causing all those strong shivers to run

a good feeling, a welcoming one that showed me how much he

to do is love me.” I flicked

Dividing into pages now

that he could

lips. “And every other day after that. That’s all I want, Aiden. Everything else, we’ll figure out

I voiced tenderly. “Loving you is

is all I will ever need to

tingles that tickle run

this for so long?” I asked. “Why had we not confessed our love

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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