The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 164


Sophie’s pov

Sergio’s hand land on his chest, he takes a step back and whines. “Oh that just stabbed me right in the heart Sophie.”

The smirk reformed on his mouth, a colder look gracing his face. He looked like those villains in movies and he was not far from the description. If anything I think I described him perfectly, he was after all, the villain in my story.

He chuckled dryly and brought the cigar to his mouth. He took in a puff and let it out slowly while eyeing me across the room.

“I didn’t think you’d have a single rude bone in your body Sophie. Never took you for what do they call those things again….” He drawled as he struts to his desk and chair and plop down smoothly.

I glared at him, fisting my hands at my sides. I’m tempted to storm his way and smack him right in the face.

His smirk widened as he lounged back. “Oh I remember the word


“A bitch.” He stated chuckling with humor.

I did not find it funny, but I didn’t care to waste my breath by arguing with him.

I only came here for one thing, and one thing only.

To get Christopher Muralo’s address and get Aiden out of jail soon.

I took a step forward. “You know what I came here for Harrington. Give me his address.”


Sergio raised a brow, arching it in a way that was mocking. “Who are we talking about here? Who’s address do you want? Who is ‘he’?”

Was he seriously pretending like he hadn’t heard me the first time?

My eyes narrowed. “You know Sergio, I don’t get it. You act like you hate me, yet, you continue to do something to get under my skin. You know, my mom once told me, those who secretly like you, pretend to hate you.”

He looks surprised for a second but then his expression changed.

did she tell you that? Right

I instantly grew cold.

Sergio continued. “What? Didn’t think I’d find out about you Sophie Bell? Your past? Those who

stepped forward. “If you

careless hand. “I don’t hurt

hurts as I clench it

who caused an

heart throbbing with both pain and fear of where

an innocent person to be placed behind bars.

about him!” I spat, my hands fisting and ready to slam into

shutting up,

not make the same mistake twice. Hell, anyone would not make the same mistake twice

stormed towards him,

swiftly when I’m on the opposite side of him, the only thing separating us was the

slam on the surface, hard. I willed myself to not jump or back away and sent daggers his

He’s not fazed.

Sophie Bell? I righted your wrongs.” He stressed on the word

fixed what you broke.” Again he stressed

at me. “He should be on his knees right now. Thanking me for making him

head.” But instead you, a lowly peasant whore who couldn’t keep her legs shut trapped him in something that he’s too stupid to

It was burning me all the way to the core

like you’re some kind of God.”

responded with a careless shrug and walked around the

now facing him and only inches away from the cold

devil. You’re no God and you’ll never be. You’re evil to the core. Rotten. You must have never experienced love in your

ticked which showed me that I had

lonely man who’s miserable inside. Pushing your family in the fire only

darken with anger and I inwardly gloat. It felt nice to get under his skin

features turned, surprise removed from

you’re in my house?” He asked through

study. Spotless clean like the rest of his house. There were no photographs of his family.

almost made me feel bad

planned all this.” I uttered while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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