The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 170

Sophie’s pov

I didn’t quite understand what was happening until I saw Aiden’s fist flying towards Sergio’s cocky face.

The first sound of bone snapping made me squirm and gasped.

“Aiden!” I yelled just as Sergio’s body crumbled to the floor.

* Ten minutes before*

“Sergio, you bastard. Come out and talk to me like a grown man!” Aiden roared through the house, pushing past the maid who scurried to the side in fear.

I don’t blame her, Aiden’s loud tone was pretty terrifying.

I’m rushing behind him, but it’s difficult to keep up with his long ass


“Grandson?” Sergio’s smooth voice comes from upstairs.

His hand is gliding down the railing as he takes his precious time with coming down the stairs.

He was so calm, completely unfazed by Aiden’s furious untamed state.

“To what do I owe the pleasu-

“Cut the bullshit old man. Tell me where your little rat Muralo is?!” Aiden storms toward Sergio before he even got to the last step.

His fingers fist the evil man’s shirt.

He still looks unfazed.

“I’m afraid you just missed him. He should be on the next flight to Korea. I heard there are many beautiful women there.” Sergio smirked.

Aiden’s jaw popped in frustration. “You fucking bastard. Did you tell him to force himself on Sophie? You filthy fucker, I bet you were the one who told him to do it. I wouldn’t put it past you.”

Sergio’s dead eyes swept over to me carelessly. “I’m sure Sophie quite enjoyed her time from what I heard.”

Now it’s my turn to feel anger. I wanted to punch the living daylights out of him, make him bleed with my fists.

But I didn’t think that would be such a good idea.

startling him on his feet and nearly

Sergio huffed, his hand reaching up to

Aiden’s wrists.

to remove Aiden’s grasp

out of Aiden’s mouth next was dry

me to calm

swept over to mine. “All this hostility towards your grandfather for

closer, sneering into his face. “Someone like her? Elaborate on

gaze now dimming with hesitation as Aiden’s

could stop Aiden even if I

were you I’d back away.”

he was about to piss

I called out to

to the bone, didn’t mean I would want


they shouldn’t

of Sergio but only grips him tighter. “And why would I?”

which is surprising seeing as just a second ago he was ready

up his sleeve. That’s the only reason for his nonchalant behavior while being cornered

about.” A satisfied grin emerged on his face when

you done Sergio?” Aiden accused. “What else have you fucking

My heart jolts.

steps but

I’ll tell you. I’ll even give you a hint on where to find Christopher. But like I’ve said,” He tilts

to the two, finally eating

calmed down a bit.

hand around Aiden’s and tugged him.

in the depths of my eyes. His

Sergio sharply, he gritted. “Fine. But you only have


flash of alarm in Sergio’s eyes before he replaces it with a cold and cool

he pushes his hand out. “Let’s have a

Aiden and me and

bare hands Soph.” Aiden hissed under his

hear him out. Don’t do anything you’d regret later

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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