The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 184

Aiden’s pov

I rest my head on my palm while my fingers brush her soft hair off her face.

I stared at her. My heart throbbing.

“I love you so much my Soph. And I’ll keep telling you that every single day for the rest of our lives.” I whispered while my fingers trace along her cheeks delicately.

She shifts closer to me in her sleep, a soft sigh leaving her lips.

I smiled.

How did I get so lucky?

How did I manage to still get her after all the shit I did?

God. I can’t thank you enough. And I can’t thank her enough for giving me a second chance.

“I promise we’ll get our happy ending Sophie. That’s the least I could do to make up for waiting for me for so long.” I murmured and leaned over to plant a soft chaste kiss on her cheeks.

I took in a whiff of her. Memorizing her scent tonight. She smelt yummy, addictive. Gosh if she wasn’t tired and already asleep……

My phone makes a soft ping sound on the dresser.

I pulled away from her and turned around to pick it up.

It’s the text I’ve been waiting for from my private investigator:

He sent me whole lot of pictures. Pictures that made me want to hurl.

I shivered.

And to think I went there….


This family is sick.

Did the security

investigator: No. No one saw me. I

Aiden: Good.

pictures again and shook my head in disbelief. Everyone knew the Muralo’s were close but no one knew


take them down one by one. Or

have a field

is reserved for someone


He just dropped off his sister a

over at Sophie. She was still fast asleep. I didn’t want to leave her tonight but I had to

not a better time to do

Send me your

he sent me his location I got out of bed. Putting on my shirt

whatever it takes to make sure Sophie

won’t mess with

her cheeks softly. She sighs, shifting closer to where I had been a few minutes ago. Her hand searches for

and take my pillow to place beside her. She wraps

didn’t know I would feel jealous of a pillow,

down to kiss her cheek

for me until I get back baby. I promise I’ll be back soon.” With one last kiss on


to face my dad

with a mug in

hadn’t noticed

furrowed. “What are you

you know.” He chuckles and takes a sip of whatever was in

the bed and leave little for others. But with Sophie and him usually sleeping beside me,

that my bed was huge and enough to fit all three of us. Besides, I usually spoon Sophie while Ashton is curled

my life

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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