The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 186


Christopher’s pov

Dad managed to disarm the guy and calls me over as the guy’s shirt quickly soak with his blood.

“Find out who sent him.” Dad grunted as he opened the door and held the guy in a choke hold.

“How am I suppose to do that if you’re choking him!” I yelled and looked around.

Someone must have heard those gunshots. There’s no way no one would’ve heard.

Unless everyone leaving in those buildings are deaf.

“Get his phone.” Dad urged as a soft ping sound comes from the guys now lit up pocket.

He’s groaning in pain, coughing up his own blood but still struggles.

“If I were you, I’d stop struggling boy.” Dad hissed in his ear and nudged his chin to the guy’s pocket.

“Hurry up Christopher so we can get out of here.”

I quickly took out his phone.

“Fingerprint.” I grumble, fighting with the guy to grab his hand.

When I do, I pinched his finger and placed it on his screen. The phone unlocks and I quickly tapped on the text.

“That asshole! I knew Aiden was behind this shit!” I sneered as I read the messages between Aiden Xavier and the guy.

“Fuck!” I roared and slammed my fist on the jeep roof.

“What is it!?” Dad looked at me.

I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. “He had this piece of shit follow us.” I pointed at the guy who looked like he was about to pass out soon. Or maybe he was about to die.

Either way he deserved it.

to get passed security at your place. Took photos of us fucking Lillian.” I sneered, slamming my

send it to

I nod.

roared and slammed his fist

nursing his wound and

but also confused

at the phone again and scrolled down. There’s

was still quiet and the streets were still dead. There were no

it to him,” Dad

back to his and looked at the guy who seemed


“What? Are you crazy!?

to mine furiously. “Just fucking give it


closed and walked

what we’ve done,” I nudged my

sent was easily taken down by us. That

retaliate by posting those photos online or he might give them to the media. Either way we

do you think I had been in Russia for a few weeks? We

sighed. “I sure hope you know what you’re

my back and nudged his chin at the phone. “Text him back and give him the location. We’ll be long gone when he gets here and calls

Aiden’s pov

pace the floor, my

I hated the

put someone’s life on the line. Keeney was fighting for

underestimated those Muralo

please stop pacing for

be worrying

and went to sit down on

Mitch called 911, I told him to call

still safe.

used Tenney’s phone to text

it on Christopher. Who knew how far those fuckers would go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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