The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 188

Aiden’s pov

Sophie rushes over to me, cupping my face in her hands as she inspects. me for injuries.

I didn’t want her to see me like this.

I thought I would be able to sneak back into bed without waking her up.

I wrapped my hands around her wrists. “It’s not my blood baby.” I reassured her again.

“I woke up without you by my side. I was so scared Aiden.” Her eyes blurred. “What did you do? Who’s blood is this? Please tell me you didn’t.”

She shook her head, her voice cracking.

I gripped around her wrists more firmly. “Shh shh. I’m sorry. Don’t cry. Please don’t-

My heart clenched painfully when she starts to sob, tears streaming down her cheeks like a river.

I hated when I’m the cause of those tears.

I want to slam my head on a damn brick for causing them yet again. I promised that I would be the last to ever make her cry. And if I did, those tears would be happy trails on her cheeks.

But it had only been a few hours and I have failed to hold up my end of my promise.


did you do Aiden? When your dad came to check up on me, knew something was

of anger. She moved her hands off my face

into your own hands! Look at what

hands. The fear poured out of her pores like


last thing I wanted


was the opposite I wanted

work out the way

was one of the best in his

now. It’s not like I could retrace my steps and see what we did wrong. He was

I could do to

wrists, pulling her closer to me.

not think when making decisions on your own!?” She sobbed,now gripping my shirt

heart breaks and my

I did this

hands to my face. “Look. I’m not dead. See? I’m still here. Standing before you.

shakes her head. “Are you even okay Aiden? Are we okay? The Muralo’s have gone far. We’re surrounded by them and Sergio. I don’t see a way out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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