The thugs were all clearly armed with baseball bats and machetes, cutting off Frank and Helen's escape.

In an instant, the quiet rundown building was suddenly lively.


Bike engines roared and catcalls followed as over a dozen biking thugs sped down the road, their tyres screeching as they came to a halt beside Frank and Helen.

Now, they were really surrounded.

"It's too late to leave now!" Terry gloated and laughed out loud.

The other thugs started laughing too-with over a hundred of them doing it at the same time, one could almost feel the building rumble.

"What do you want?!" Helen snapped, even as she realized in dismay that they had entered the literal wolves' den.

While she was absolutely confident in Frank's abilities, she was still worried since there were too many of them in the Blood Wolves.

I want, you

should be the one asking what you want! Buying this land?! Did no one tell you that this is the

Helen blurted in

cursed Larry for despicably withholding that piece of information but soon

she was hurt in a scuffle at Zomber Group's offices after

was gang territory. Worst of all, they said absolutely nothing as they sold it to

It was simply heinous!

she was not surrounded by these thugs, she would


a calm as he looked around at the thugs around him and then at Terry.

My boys call me Ted!" The

continued, "It's only natural we're thinking about making money off this plot of land. As for non complying squatters... They will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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