Once the epinephrine was injected, the heart monitor started beeping faintly again.

"More blood infusion!" Winter shouted, her voice hoarse after working for so long. "Alright, just leave it to me."

Seeing that, Frank strode up and took the scalpel from Winter.

And seeing him, Winter breathed a sigh of relief, wobbling and ultimately dropping on her rear. "I was so... useless."

"Leave the moping for later. On your feet-I need help here," Frank said with a hint of sterness.

Winter quickly scrambled to her feet, standing near him as she explained, "I'm done with every other part, but her heart... I'm just afraid..."

Frank could see what she meant right away-a tiny bone fragment was cutting into the patient's left ventricle, and blood was trickling out around it.

The bleeding only increased as the patient's heart continued pumping, and the only option was to extract the bone fragment.

that was no easy

out like a geyser from the wound, and there was no stopping it. The patient would definitely die, which was

fragment was not extracted, the patient would not survive

a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, which was

should we do?" Winter asked

situation was a first for him, and he had no better ideas

the bone fragment, but with the

the slightest care would result in

was the worst dilemma doctors had to face in their careers the moment when they had to decide

on them if the patient's died from their one

one could blame them, but to have the crushing weight of an entire existence fading in their fingers was at once painful and disturbing. And it was only the doctor

Jolie! I'm so sorry... I

"Mommy... Mommy!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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