
Tidus Simmons was leading the charge, hollering, "Go on, try laying a finger on the chief! Mystic Sky Guild doesn't fear you!"

"Hell yeah!"

"You'll answer to our blades if you touch him!"

Tidus' shout was immediately echoed by the other members of Mystic Sky Guild who numbered over two thousand strong, encircling the hotel.

Their shadows loomed over the police officers and members of the Martial Alliance that numbered to just a few hundred.

Forget how strong the two thousand were, or how many martial artists were among their ranks their shouts alone would leave anyone unsettled, and some were carrying guns on top of that!

and the members of the Martial Alliance. As such, even the martial

knuckle against Frank's arm. "We were so worried,

Tidus did a double take. "So

question left Frank speechless. "What,

traded glances and soon laughed. "Forget the commissioner! You said we'd be the strongest in Draconia, didn't you? We'd be on your side even

licked his lips and grit. "Heck, you could tell us you're going after the gods,

if he should laugh at their simple-minded nature or be grateful that they

Or do you perhaps intend

Mystic Sky Guild had numbers, they were ultimately gangsters an illegal

to fight against Draconia's government, they would be made to pay a bloody


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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