Just as Sadie was feeling pleased with herself, a white light shot toward them.

"Watch out, master!" she cried.

Frank had already noticed it, however, and sidestepped it before dashing straight to hut, punching it down.

As the hut collapsed with a crash, the tendrils from earlier vanished, and the many other attractions of the amusement park faded as well.

"What the heck? Is this place haunted?" Sadie was utterly mystified.

However, Frank still sensed a curious presence and rummaged through debris of the hut.

Soon, he found a painting that was buried underneath.

her horror stories, immediately noticed something strange. "Don't touch it. It might

and picked up the painting

paper itself looked ancient, but for some reason, it did not have

revolved around empiricism, and therefore, portraits of women reflected the aesthetic sense of their respective era. This was different, however, as the woman drawn

was when it spoke.

suddenly manifested and shot toward Frank. Still, just as he was about to

the painting

through a dramatic change of attitude, she was suddenly

the painting, taking

Sadie, she exclaimed in fear, "Please, Master!

basically a creation of the spiritron vein like you. The fact that my ring stopped it from attacking proves

must be really amazing if it can create stuff like this... maybe it could make a helicarrier too?" She was clearly no longer spooked, even able

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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