Frank ignored her and called Peerless Jackt, who quickly answered. "Have you arrived, sir? I'll arrange for someone to receive you right away!" "Yeah," Frank replied and hung up.

Seeing that, Clara scoffed. "What, have you remembered the name of the executive who's supposed to receive you?"

Frank ignored her and went over to sit on the couch right then.

Clara followed, standing nearby and waiting quietly to see how long Frank would keep pretending.

Honestly, bragging that he was taking over the Jarics' estate... How delusional! Was he not worried about biting his tongue with such a big fat lie?

He had the looks, but what was the point? Looks did not get you such an expansive family estate, especially for a young brat. If anything, he looked like a mook and not the person who was said to have inherited the Jarics' estate. Soon, the floor manager arrived.

without even offering tea, she strode up and snapped, "What are you doing? Why aren't you

"You haven't heard, Ms. Lewitt, but he's not

I've never seen him before. Don't bother, Clara-call security! We're busy people and don't have time to play house." Clara laughed and pointed Frank to the

She was the deputy CEO, Jada Turin, who was now the top authority in this office now that the Jarics had pulled out.

had always carried herself as if she was above the rest, but here she was, prostrating herself in front of Frank! Not even Pax got that

went without saying that she was ice-cold toward everyone else there, as if nothing, save for the gods, were superior to her. That also meant Frank was someone special!

Ms. Lewitt even asked out loud. "Aren't

and everything they had been passed to someone else.

immediately sensed something wrong from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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