But she was one hundred per cent certain that, if such a situation had occurred hours before Rocco’s honeymoon, he would have put Olivia first. At the very least he would have discussed the matter with her and taken her input before making a decision.

The big difference was that Rocco loved Olivia. She was his world.

All Alessandra was to Christian was the vessel carrying his child, married to secure his heir and avert a scandal. Love did not and never would feature in it, no matter what foolish feelings had been stoked on her wedding day.

Against her better judgement she’d allowed hope to rear its head.

Sex was a dangerous game to play. It evoked feelings that had no business being conjured.

In future she would make love with her body and detach her mind. Somehow. She was certain it could be done. Lots of other women were able to do it so why should she be any different?

The vows she’d made had been given honestly but for the sake of the little life growing in her belly, not for herself.

It would be wise for her to remember that and stop letting her hormones off the leash.

Christian followed her out of the car and walked her to the large front door, the driver tasked with bringing her luggage in.

in her mid-forties opened the door to greet

friendly greeting in Greek

average person would expect a bachelor billionaire’s home to look like: lavish. Ostentatious. Cold.

they stood led through to an enormous open-plan living space. While she stood at the threshold, craning her neck to take it all in, Christian and Evanthia had

later. ‘Evanthia will show you around and show you

snapped out of her musings about his interior

let Evanthia know and she can move you


calm eyes. ‘Is there a

her own eyes to be

back before the evening but you have my number

that he left, leaving Alessandra feeling as if a


they would be sleeping in

check that morning when he’d cancelled their short honeymoon hadn’t been a reality check

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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