He was dead serious.

“Why wouldn’t I be? Regardless of what I just said, I do not anticipate falling in love like Neo, but one day I will marry and procreate. Why build an empire if I have no intention of leaving it to someone?”

She didn’t mention his nieces and nephew. Clearly, that wasn’t what he meant. Zephyr wanted his own family. “But you don’t think you will ever fall in love?”


That made more sense, even if it hurt enough to make it difficult to breathe.


“But what? You loved your ex-husband, yes?”

She grimaced. “Yes.”

“And did that bring you happiness?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think love can happen, or make me happy when it does.”

happen for you again one

it will.” It already had—with him—and his revelations on

much that situation hurt her, she could not change it. She suddenly realized she was very likely to pay the price

available to her and might never

distaste. “Love is a

it’s good, too.” Surely he could see that,

loving Art?” Zephyr asked with calculated

was a cheater and a liar and that his love was

is that different from

was a


it. Loving Art had nearly destroyed her on every level. And loving Zephyr didn’t look like it was going to be a much better prospect.

was something,

to have him use it on her. “Look, I’m not trying to be the Scrooge of happily ever after, but you and I both know someone loving you

open yourself to love at all.” She tried to keep the desperation his attitude evoked out of her voice. It wasn’t his fault she’d been dumb enough to fall in love with the wrong man.

“It works for me.”

she knew his mother had abandoned him to build a better

Neo loves Cassandra and vice-versa. Or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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