That was one thing she would never have worried about, even if he hadn’t said it. Then a way of getting him off this line of enquiry came to her. “I would never expect you to, but could we please stop talking like pregnancy is a foregone conclusion?”

“And you?” he asked, clearly ignoring her plea.

She tried not to be offended he had even asked. In his mind, he had good reason for doing so. Irrefutable experience. But still, the question hurt. “I’m not your mother. I don’t have to give my child up in order to leave a soul-destroying life behind.”

“How long since your last period?”

“What, are you an expert on menstrual cycles?” she challenged.


“I’m not, either.” She blew out a frustrated breath. “But I do know somewhere in the middle of your cycle is the most likely time for pregnancy to occur.”


She winced, wishing she could say something else. “I’m pretty much smack-dab there right now.”

“Even so, as you say, many women do not fall pregnant quickly after being on birth control for a prolonged period. How long have you been on the patch?”

“I started taking it with Art and never went off, even though I was celibate until that first time with you. I liked the way it balanced my monthly hormone cycle.”

“That is a significant amount of time.”


chances you are pregnant are

believe.” She looked at

diminished is


“Are you very angry?”

I feel like an idiot for not keeping

angry at the prospect of carrying my

broke. She was feeling reckless and tired of hiding feelings that were so strong they left little room for anything else. “I can’t imagine anyone I would rather have as the father

several long seconds. “You do not mean

“I don’t lie.”

you don’t. No more

had to work on believing, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. Because Zephyr had never done anything to

would make an admirable choice as father

for what I can

they were going to have more

jolted. “You have never called me that

focused on the least important

might be pregnant with Zephyr’s child made her feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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