“Yes.” Cass looked a little startled. “You read about me?”

Piper blushed, but smiled. “When Zephyr told me Neo was getting married, I was understandably curious about the woman who had managed to lead him to such a human endeavor.”

Cass laughed out loud. “Wow, and you told me once that Zephyr was the only person that really knew you well.”

“I’ve worked for Stamos and Nikos Enterprises a few times.” Piper gave them a look rife with meaning. “I met Neo on a couple of the projects, though he wasn’t coordinating them.”

“And you found me inhuman?” Neo asked, contriving to sound offended.

“You were so intimidating that I sent up a prayer of thanks you were not the lead on the project I’d been hired for.” She winked conspiratorially at Cass. “I thought Zephyr was so much more laid-back and would be a much easier man to work for.”

“But you learned the truth?” Cass asked with a teasing glance to Zephyr.

“It took a bit, but I did.”

Zephyr feigned shock. “So, you don’t think I’m easy to work for?”

“I think anyone excellent at their job, who makes a minimum of mistakes, if none at all, and who understands how very seriously you take the success of each development, will find you a pussycat to work for.”

“That’s a lot of caveats,” Neo said, laughing.

at her fiancé. “I thought she did an admirable job of

if that was a character assassination, or an endorsement,” Zephyr

“See? Diplomatic,” Cass teased.

an amazing man, but just like Neo, you’re just a little superhuman for the rest of us.

saying I am not charming?”

zipping motion over her sealed lips and they all burst out

head against his shoulder.

his friends like this usually gave Zephyr a twinge of useless envy, but tonight all he felt was a fleeting hope Piper was seeing it, too. And perhaps realizing a reformed Greek street kid wasn’t such a bad horse to


smiled and patted his leg. “That’s part of your

gave Piper a triumphant look. “See, I do have

can attest to the arrogance part of it, anyway,” Piper said with a cheeky grin. “You and Zephyr both have

you that if it is justified, then

“That’s right,” Zephyr agreed.

Cass and Piper simply laughed and shook their

to see the

course. I would like evidence of Zee

one of the photos he had not known Piper had taken. It showed him in animated conversation with a short, square Greek about twenty years Zephyr’s

try to bargain inside actual shops,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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